This just keeps getting uglier for George Santos

Kevin McCarthy knows he’s potentially as little as one vote away from losing his fragile speakership, which means he can’t afford to get rid of George Santos, no matter how badly the serial fraudster’s endless scandals weigh down the Republican Party. As such, over the past few days, everyone from Saturday Night Live to Jon Lovitz has piled on while lampooning Santos.

The trouble for George Santos is that he seems to think he’s in on the joke. Santos tweeted that Lovitz’s impersonation of him was “TERRIBLE” and that “comedians need to step their game up” if they’re going to keep lampooning him. But what Santos doesn’t get is that none of this is funny. Santos isn’t some otherwise respectable public figure who’s being lightly mocked for one isolated scandal or personality quirk. He’s being mocked because he’s a pathetic fraudster and criminal, and the joke is that he’s still in Congress at all.

Not surprisingly, George Santos’ snarky tweet was quickly lambasted by other users. Santos received far more negative replies than likes, meaning he got “ratioed” – never a good sign when it comes to a tweet. Meanwhile Jon Lovitz is suddenly enjoying a bit of a career resurgence thanks to his George Santos impersonation. It’s been widely pointed out that Santos’ behavior resembles that of The Liar, a character that Lovitz made famous decades ago.

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