This just got even uglier for Herschel Walker

The second Herschel Walker accuser, who said Walker drove her to get an abortion, is speaking out. And what she is saying casts Walker in an even more malevolent light. This woman, who has not yet revealed her name and goes by “Jane Doe,” appeared on “Good morning America,” and had a lot to say.

First off, “Jane Doe” defended the first accuser from what she said were lies by Walker. One thing Walker had claimed is that he never signed anything with the initial H. Jane Doe says that is untrue: “When I saw the first woman coming forward a few weeks ago, he immediately called her a liar and said I never signed anything with the letter H. And I knew I had many cards from him where he signed the letter H.”

Doe also talked about the almost unbearable pressure walker put on her to have an abortion. Walker apparently told Doe that he did not want the child because of his wife’s “family and powerful [people around him.” He also chillingly told Doe she and the child would never be safe.

“It is very menacing,” Doe said. “And I felt threatened, and I thought I had no choice.”

“Honest matters,” Doe added. Do you know what I think, readers? I think Walker, like Trump is likely a malignant narcissist. I feel he’s a very dangerous man, and I feel for Doe.

And to most in Maga, it will not matter — likely because lots of them are unwell themselves. The whole walker story is a tragedy. One wonders if the man is humanly capable of caring about or loving anything except power and adulation. I sincerely doubt it.

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