This isn’t going how they were hoping it would

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In the aftermath of the overturning of Roe v. Wade, The Guardian reported that some senators are whining, especially two who keep falling for the bullshit: Susan Collins and Joe Manchin. Collins claims to have “grilled” Brett Kavanagh for hours to ensure he “could be trusted” not to overturn Roe v. Wade. “Trust” and “Brett Kavanagh” should never be in a sentence together. Who can forget his crocodile tears during his confirmation hearings? Christine Blasey Ford was much more convincing than Kavanagh, yet there he sits, making decisions that impact women across the country. Susan Collins should be ashamed, and hopefully, Maine has had enough of her.

Kavanagh is not alone in his deceit. Neil Gorsuch also claimed to respect precedent and was lying through his teeth the whole time. As far as Amy Coney Barrett, we already knew she would go along with whatever the men said because that’s the way she conducts her life. These senators knew who they were confirming, and every one of them had the opportunity to fight to confirm moderate judges who base rulings on the law instead of on their personal feelings to sit on the High Court. All three of these were suspect from the beginning, but Joe Manchin joined Collins in confirming both Kavanagh and Gorsuch. The Guardian also reported that while Lisa Murkowski did not vote to confirm Kavanagh, she did support the confirmations of both Gorsuch and Barrett. Their poor choices are now a disaster for women across this nation, and it could well be a disaster for Republicans in upcoming elections. Even Donald Trump agrees with that, and that’s probably the most intelligent thing to ever come out of his mouth, though it is tempered by his public response.

According to Business Insider, Trump claims that the SCOTUS ruling “belongs to God.” Please. Trump wouldn’t know God if He slapped him across the face. Of course, he fits right in with his Evangelical fans who also wouldn’t know God if He walked up on them. They pretend to know Him, but they are religious, not spiritual. If they were, they wouldn’t support the “right to birth” that Republicans support. Because he apparently realized the stupidity of his comment, Trump followed it with another stupid comment: “I think, in the end, this is something that will work out for everybody,” whatever the hell that is supposed to mean.

As usual, Trump is playing to his base because as BI reported, he thinks differently in private, as he told Maggie Haberman and Michael Bender of The New York Times that “overturning Roe would be bad for Republicans.” It is going to be bad for them. Trump, of course, only cares about Trump, and BI also reported that he took credit for the ruling Friday, claiming it as “the biggest WIN for LIFE in a generation.” Too bad his mother didn’t have one when he came along.

Only time will tell if this poorly thought-out ruling will help or hurt Republicans but given that the majority supporting keeping Roe v. Wade it’s not looking good for them.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report