DOJ and Pentagon push back against Supreme Court lunacy

This weekend, the protests over the fall of Roe were massive. And this is only just the beginning. All hell has broken loose and will continue until we get Roe back. Whether that is by expanding the Court, adding term limits, codifying Roe or all of the above, we’ve got work to do.
But to do that work, we need to be awake — wide awake — and a little good news never does hurt. It is being reported that the Pentagon is hard at work to ensure that military members, their families, and the Pentagon’s civilian employees will have access to reproductive healthcare.
But there is more. The Pentagon will refuse to recognize all state abortion laws arising from the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe. Here, Here!
Defense Department Secretary Lloyd Austin had this to say: “I am committed to taking care of our people and ensuring the readiness and resilience of our force. The Department is examining this decision closely and evaluating our policies to ensure we continue to provide seamless access to reproductive health care as permitted by federal law.”
The Department of Justice also is making news, saying in a statement that the Department of Justice will also stand up to the Court and its horrible decision. Merrick Garland issued a lengthy statement, and one of the things it said was that women “who reside in states that have banned access to comprehensive reproductive care must remain free to seek that care in states where it is legal.”
“Moreover, under fundamental First Amendment principles, individuals must remain free to inform and counsel each other about the reproductive care that is available in other states. The Justice Department will work tirelessly to protect and advance reproductive freedom.”
Thank you, Lloyd Austin. Thank you Merrick Garland. Thank you to everybody who continues to advocate for a free America. It felt like daggers raining down from the sky when this decision came down. But rest assured — we have the ability to win. We have the strength to take back Roe, vote out the miserable misogynists, and once again restore the right to choose.