This is whacked out even for a Trump rally

Wickedness and dishonesty are trademarks of the corrupt GOP. Sometimes the lies that they tell are easily proven as lies. Take, for example, the case of Rep. Lisa McClain. She is a Michigan member of Congress. And she told such a giant whopper of a lie that I am surprised her nose didn’t blow up right then and there.

The “there” was at Trump’s sad little rally in Michigan over the weekend. This rally was held in Washington Township and featured a smaller audience than what usually appears at Trump’s rallies.

McClain spoke at the rally. And she told a fib of epic proportions. She said that it was Donald Trump who caught Osama bin laden. As we all know — as anyone with a working brain knows — it was former President Barack Obama who was responsible for taking bin laden out. It happened in May of 2011, and Biden was at that time the vice president of the United States.

This fact did not appear to matter to the simpering McClain, who went on to wax poetic about Trump. Given that Trump wasn’t even a candidate in 2011, this is one easily disprovable lie. They say imitation is the biggest form of flattery but this is taking things a bit to far, I think.

However, who knows what groups like QAnon will say. Their specialty does seem to be making up bizarre facts out of nothing at all. Undoubtedly, they will likely do the same with this.

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