This is just ugly for Dean Phillips

I don’t really like talking about Dean Phillips all that much, largely because there isn’t really a lot to discuss. It’s the same reason the media hasn’t actually blacked out on him or Marianne Williamson – it’s just that there’s a whole lot of other newsworthy things happening in the country and these two clowns have hit pretty much all the notes they’re going to get to within their first few hours of campaigning. They’re not drawing nearly the amount of popular support they’d need to beat an incumbent president, regardless of how much they want to talk about President Biden’s approval ratings.

Phillips couldn’t even break 20% in New Hampshire where he campaigned regularly and his biggest opponent won despite not even appearing on the ballot. Now, his performance, which was already laughable, is looking even worse for a particular reason. On Tuesday, the Campaign Legal Center filed a formal complaint that Phillips’ campaign coordinated illegally with a super PAC. Despite Phillips’ promise that he doesn’t take super PAC money, he has already been accused of colluding with billionaires like Bill Ackman and Harlan Crow, so this does seem like the inevitable road things were always going to go down. So even though Phillips may have cheated and had some doomcasting pundits in his corner, Phillips still couldn’t pull off an upset.

The campaign is only going to get much more difficult for him as time drags on, but while he’s still in the race, he’s unwittingly become a pretty good bit of advertising for President Biden’s re-election campaign, since there seem to be a number of frustrated right-wing donors that aren’t happy with the Biden administration in charge, and the best they can do against him within his own party is dimwit like Dean Phillips who’s never won statewide.

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