This is just embarrassing for Trump stooge J.D. Vance

Trump’s candidate of choice for Ohio senator is already causing a ruckus by tweeting hateful comments and getting into wars of words with people on Twitter. That candidate is JD Vance — the man who once referred to Trump as “America’s Hitler” — likely one of the few truthful statements he has ever made.

Vance appeared with Trump at his rally in Ohio the other night, where he solemnly declared the election in 2020 was stolen. Vance has to say that. He wants this. He wants power. And he wants it bad. And I will say straight out — if he wins the nomination, we will have to fight hard.

This is because Vance is – like many in the GOP — a liar, but unlike most of them, he’s a GOOD liar. He is charismatic and a good speaker. He knows the art of the lie, and he does it better than most Republicans.

But Vance has an Achilles Heel. And that is, he overdoes it in his pretending of possessing GOP chops. Just take a look at what he said about former President Barack Obama.

Apparently, desperate to make Maga love him, Vance tweeted this: “Barack Obama is articulate but has never made a memorable speech. The reason is that his views are utterly conventional. He’s unable to say anything outside of the elite consensus.”

Notice that word again — elite. This is VANCE talking — he is about as elite as one can possibly get.

And, of course, what he said about Obama IS garbage. But it is a way to earn his bonafides among Maga, who really may hate Obama more than they hate Biden or Harris.

I’ve read the Hillbilly Elegy of this great pretender. He doesn’t hate Obama. he admires him.It is pretty evident in the pages of this book. Still, reading, I suspect, is not the main hobby for many in Maga-verse, so they would not know that.

Vance once called Trump a “Cultural heroine.” I submit that Vance is Civilization Crack. He and his ilk dumb civilization down, make civilization more stupid with their empty and vacuous platitudes. Please vote for and donate to Tim Ryan.

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