This is just embarrassing for Jim Jordan

So much news this week! But in these stressful times, it is essential that we laugh as well. So, how about we all share a chuckle or two over these two words? Jim Jordan. Laughter incoming. And there is more. Jordan has a new book due out next month.

What is hysterical — and I do mean hysterical — about said book is the “About the Author” part. THAT needs to be highlighted.

So buckle up, folks. You are about to read what might, in fact, be the most hilarious “About the Author” section ever to hit the presses.

Here is some of it:

“In Washington, Jim Jordan is revered as one of the most dogged investigators of government scandal and corruption.”

“Raised in rural western Ohio, he trained tirelessly to become one of the greatest amateur wrestlers in the nation.”

“On the mat, Jim Jordan beat some of the best wrestlers the world has ever seen.”

“In politics, that same tenacity has earned him victories at the highest levels of government.”

What to say? There is no doubt nobody loves Jim Jordan as much as — well — Jim Jordan. When he is away from the cameras, I suspect that the man might possibly write love letters to himself. He is that type.

So, we all need to laugh. Here is MY “author description” for Jordan.

“Jim Jordan is well-known in Congress for cutting off others when they try to speak. Born a MAGA, Jordan has taken the art of screaming to exciting levels.”

“He has not got much passed in Congress, but he HAS managed to alienate scores of people, including many of his own constituents.”

“Mr. Jordan was a proud wrestling coach at Ohio State. George Clooney is reportedly producing a documentary about Jordan’s time there.”

“This concerns abuse allegation made against former sports doctor Richard Strauss. It has been reported Jordan might have known about this behavior and turned a blind eye.”

“Mr. Jordan resides in DC, where he spends most of his days on Twitter kissing the ass of the former President who incited an insurrection. Jordan’s other major accomplishments include — nothing.” I like my version better. What’s yours? Feel free to leave it in the comment section.

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