This is just embarrassing for GOP Senator Tim Scott

Tim Scott has teased throwing his hat into the 2024 presidential race on four separate occasions now – and each one has been a bigger embarrassment than the last. In addition to punting the question of how he’d actually be able to take the nomination from Donald Trump in a primary contest, you can now add Scott fumbling on his stance on abortion – as he was pressed on Ron DeSantis’ six week abortion ban – one of the most draconian in the nation – and signed into law in one of the most populated states in the country. The pushback against Republicans for their involvement in overturning Roe v. Wade has come swift – with Democrats overperforming in elections by an average of 9% so far this year.

When pressed on the issue, it’s hardly a surprise that Scott didn’t want to talk about it – and instead came up with a garbled word salad about how he didn’t want to talk about what week it should be limited at – basically the code for anyone who’s totally ignorant of the issue – and then went rambling about how pro-life legislation is important and he’d sign the most conservative pro-life legislation there is if he’s ever elected president.

We know that there’s virtually no chance of him being elected POTUS, but even for him to survive until the Iowa caucus with more than 2% support is doubtful at this point. He’s been backed into a no-win corner on one of the issues that used to unite the GOP.

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