This is huge for Joe Biden

While the news cycle has largely been focused on Afghanistan and the wasteful California recall, it’s easy to overlook the numbers coming out of the Biden administration that we should be boasting about – not only the record economic growth and recovery, or student loan forgiveness or the fact that we’re about to have some much needed infrastructure overhaul, but that within less than eight months, President Biden’s expansion of the Affordable Care Act managed to give health insurance to 2.8 million more Americans – something that will also reduce the cost of health insurance to Americans already enrolled in the program – by an average of $67 per month. The number of Americans enrolled in the program is over 12 million – an all-time high.

This is important to bear in mind for anyone demanding to know what Democrats are accomplishing – and it’s likely to drive the support for Obamacare up even higher, bringing us closer to legislation for a public option. When the GOP had full control of the government, they never succeeded in repealing it, despite a decade of practice – and they managed to blow their own cover about having a practical alternative to what was one of President Obama’s signature accomplishments. On this issue alone, it’s obvious that the two parties aren’t even close to being the same – and yet another reminder that the GOP has never gotten away with anything, even if their political prospects weren’t harmed as severely as some of us may have been hoping. This is the latest reminder that Democratic leadership is gradually bringing our country forward in the direction it needs to go – a message to remember when going to the polls and enlisting new voters in 2021 and 2022.

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