This is a total mess for GOP Senate candidate J.D. Vance

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It was the most exciting time in his life. I speak of Ohio Senate candidate JD Vance. Vance must have been thrilled. He’d written a book entitled “Hillbilly Elegy,” and it was wildly successful. He appeared on many a prime-time show. He cultivated an image of an educated and politically nuanced man.

But that image was a lie — a giant fib that has now come back to bite. You see, Vance has never thought much of the orange guy. And he’s been, in the past, quite vocal in his dislike. But then he decided to run for the Ohio Senate. And he had to redefine himself a bit.

So Vance did a bit of image altering. And the image he presented was that of a rough around the edges, angry man who not only adores Trump but appears to hate Democrats, especially those with cats and anyone who would go against Trump.

Vance must have been smug. He’d done it! Ohio would be his. Not so fast, said Karma. You see, Karma has a way of surfacing at the exact wrong times. And Karma has just paid Vance a charming little visit. Per Politico, Vance has just been issued a warning. It is a warning by his own pollster who warns of “precipitous decline.”

This news arrived in the form of a “98-page PowerPoint presentation,” which warned Vance he was losing ground with Maga. People didn’t believe he was who he said he was. His campaign was floundering and in need of a reboot.

This might be happening because one of his rivals — Josh Mandel — also a lunatic — has been running attack ads showing exactly what Vance once said about Trump.

Some of what Vance has said includes referring to Trump as “an idiot,” “noxious,” and “offensive” — all true. The presentation warns that Vance needs to do something to change his situation, and he needs to do it now.

Of course, Vance could still win. And some things have changed since this presentation was written. For example, Marjorie Taylor Greene has endorsed him. But when one’s own pollsters tell you, you suck as a candidate, it might be wise to listen to them.

So it appears Vance’s master plan to make power his best friend isn’t currently working. I wonder if he understands why. I wonder if he knows how smarmy he comes off. I wonder if he hears the tinkling laughter of his nemesis, Karma.

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