This is a bunch of malarkey

There are some Republicans in Congress such as Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert who seem to make headlines constantly with their endless stream of bizarre and offensive statements. There are others, like Texas Rep. Dan Crenshaw, who occasionally thrust themselves into the spotlight to offer perverse pontification on an issue, striving to create controversy where none exists.

After America had been gripped for days by the attempted search and rescue of the passengers on board the OceanGate Titan submersible, the U.S. Coast Guard announced Thursday that the vessel was found in pieces from a “catastrophic implosion.” Crenshaw apparently took the news as a prompt to continue the GOP’s own catastrophic implosion.

Speaking on Fox News, Crenshaw quickly pinned the blame for the tragedy on the Biden administration. “Could this have been resolved differently if leadership had just acted sooner and actually put options on the table instead of just assuming, ‘Well, it doesn’t matter because they’re dead,’?” Crenshaw asked rhetorically, though his intent was obvious. Earlier, he called it “an epic failure of leadership.”

In the meantime, Crenshaw provided zero evidence for blaming Biden. Instead, he only vaguely claimed he has “been hearing a lot of concerning things from people,” which has prompted him to feel that “we’ve got to look into it.” He then admitted “I don’t know” where the supposed leadership failure is. “Is it the White House, Coast Guard, Navy? I’m not sure.”

Of course, in a democracy, we should not be afraid to question the government’s actions and motives. Also, discovering mistakes is important so that they don’t get repeated. However, Crenshaw appears to be using his authority as a member of Congress and former NAVY Seal to try to rush America into drawing a straight line between the tragic deaths of five individuals aboard a privately owned company’s submersible and President Joe Biden. As Biden might say, it’s a bunch of malarkey.

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