This Hunter Biden thing is backfiring on House Republicans already

Perhaps one of the dumbest miscalculations of Republicans in recent years has been their frequent attacks on President Biden’s surviving son, Hunter, who they first targeted with dripping venom in the 2020 election.

Along with their absurd notions that somehow a laptop hard drive would be the smoking gun for some bizarre accusation that they can never really explain, the former guy’s attacks on Hunter in the presidential debates were rightfully seen by voters as a slap in the face of anyone who had to help a family member or loved one through an addiction. The opinion of the general public largely hasn’t changed much – as an overwhelming number of voters disapprove of the GOP wasting our time with investigations of a private citizen.

According to a study by the Congressional Oversight project, an overwhelming 63% of voters – with 63% of independent-leaning voters – want Congress to stop spending their time on things like investigating Hunter Biden and to look into issues like health care and rising costs – the sort of things Republicans like to promise voters but never seem to have any new insights on.

Immediately, this is the dilemma Republicans have – as they haven’t been a serious party for some time and likely won’t be any time soon – but they might have even bigger problems if they say they won’t do the investigations, as that could cost them with their own voters they need to turn out in 2024 to have any shot at keeping the House. Let’s make sure we can win it back in 2024.

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