Things just got a lot harder for the Republican Party

Currently, there’s a call to expel over 100 House Republicans who not only voted against the results of the Electoral College but also openly spread conspiracies questioning the election’s legitimacy. It’s not likely that it’ll work, but should investigations into the reps who actively aided the seditionists last week turn up definitive evidence, there’s a strong possibility that they won’t just face expulsion but indictments as well.

However, state Democratic parties aren’t giving them a chance to sweep things under the rug. An ad from the Democratic Party of Wisconsin recently hit the airwaves detailing Ron Johnson’s ongoing effort to spread misinformation about the election, with more advertisements popping up across social media.

Considering this is one of the senators who flew to Moscow back in 2018 on a rather suspicious trip only to return and downplay Russian meddling in the 2016 election and promoted the Burisma nonsense, distancing himself from Donald Trump is going to be difficult. He’s facing re-election in a state where Joe Biden won – that’s long been a part of the Democrats’ blue wall. It’s not just a political fight either – as the ad cites the Milwaukee Journal’s call on Johnson to resign two years before he’s up for re-election due to his latest seditious behavior.

It seems investigations are inevitably coming after Democrats officially retake the Senate and President Biden’s DOJ is confirmed, possibly with a great deal of even more startling allegations. However these turn out, it just got much harder for Republicans to walk away from Donald Trump and everything he stands for – largely because it was the direction they were always headed towards in the first place.

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