These people are in la la land

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It must be “national Republicans crazy day.” Oh, my bad; that’s every day, but there seems to be an extraordinary amount of crazy. First you have Kellyanne Conway and the latest in a string of memoirs from people we weren’t even sure could read, let alone write a book. According to Conway, she told Trump that he lost the 2020 election, which Trump denies according to the Hill. Trump’s response is typical Trump: “Kellyanne Conway never told me that she thought we lost the election. If she had, I wouldn’t have dealt with her any longer-she would have been wrong-could go back to her crazy husband.” How many times must this buffoon be told he lost the election? There was no widespread fraud, no miscounts, no dead people who voted. He lost. Period. As if this craziness isn’t enough, the Root delivered more.

Herschel Walker now claims that Donald Trump never said the election was stolen. What rock has he been hiding under? Trump has said it so many times that people can barely remember anything else he has said. Walker has said his share of crazy things, such as intimating that he has a cure for COVID, but this takes the proverbial cake. According to the Root, Walker had a sit-down with Russ Spencer of Atlanta station WAGA-TV. Walker told Spencer: “I think reporters said that. I don’t know whether President Trump said that. He’s never said that to me.” Spencer told Walker that Trump has “said it over and over. Please.” Knowing he was getting nowhere fast, Walker then said that “something went on in the election,” and he tried to downplay Trump’s false claims by bringing up Stacey Abrams, who he claims said the same thing “for a year and a half.” This dummy wants to represent the state of Georgia in Washington. Please, go out and vote and keep him out.

The crazy continued with Jim Jordan, who took the cake with his letter reported by the Guardian. Jordan told the House Select Committee to “show me yours, and I’ll show you mine.” In other words, he wants to know what they have on him before he’ll testify. Jordan proves the point that if you have nothing to hide, you will willingly speak. Who does this? Now, the Guardian thinks this will force the committee to reveal its evidence, but they are under no obligation to do so. They can simply vote to hold him in contempt as they have with others, pass him along to the DOJ, and let them decide what to do with him. Jordan is an ulcer. He is merely another Republican who does nothing for his constituency.

It is past time to rid the nation’s capitol of crazy. Unfortunately, Republican voters don’t seem to want to do that. They sent crazy Marjorie Taylor Greene back in the primaries, so there is no reason to believe Jim Jordan’s constituency won’t do the same. If we really want to get our country back on the right track, we need people in Washington to handle the people’s business.

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Bill Palmer
Palmer Report