These people are idiots

The first two nights of the 2020 Republican National Convention were unique in that they likely managed to gain Donald Trump precisely zero additional votes that he didn’t already have. We were “treated” to a completely unhinged Donald Trump Jr, a screaming Kimberly Guilfoyle, and an endless cast of babbling idiots.

But then came night three on Wednesday, and the stakes were higher. Unfortunately for Team Trump, they promptly sank to the occasion. Mike Pence gave an obnoxiously idiotic speech that will only appeal to Trump’s existing base, and won’t do anything to expand it. Madison Cawthorn, a supposed “rising star” within the Republican Party, misidentified one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence.

Lou Holtz likely cost Trump votes when he insisted that Joe Biden isn’t a real Catholic. Mike Pompeo – who’s going to prison for the Ukraine scandal if Trump loses the election – came off as so silly, it’s clear that his speech was solely about trying to convince Trump to preemptively pardon him.

These people are, simply put, idiots. Not only do they have no idea what they’re saying or doing when it comes to their speeches, they’re not even trying to win. Everyone in politics not named “Donald Trump” knows that a party’s national convention is entirely about expanding your support base and attracting new voters. But Trump’s sycophants are still only interested in putting on the kind of crapfest that Trump personally wanted to see, and not the kind of convention that could have helped Trump to win.

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