These numbers are UGLY for Donald Trump

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The people have spoken! There is agreement from 43 percent of people on something very important. This percentage (43 percent) blows away the people who disagree, which stands at a lonely 11 percent. So what is it that has brought the American people together? It is Donald Trump’s criminal trials.

The American people said in a new poll that they think it is a NECESSITY that Trump goes to trial, particularly on the election subversion case, BEFORE the election. This CNN poll showed a mere 11 percent of people say the trials should be postponed. In addition, 16 percent want Trump to go to trial before the election but do not view it as necessary.

The American people will get what they want. Alvin Bragg’s trial will be concluded before the election. So will Jack Smith’s DC Case, especially now that Trump’s demand for immunity has been soundly rejected.

Reportedly, republicans are not happy about this. And why would they be? How could any sane and rational being be happy that they are putting forth into the night, as their Presidential nominee, a sociopath, and traitor about to go on trial — criminal trial — MULTIPLE criminal trials?

That ain’t something to brag about, GOP. If one were to sketch a portrait of the GOP right now, that sketch would show their misery. It would show scowling, unhappy faces.

But a sketch of the American people would show common sense. It would show sense and sensibility. It would show the American people — most of them anyway — have wisdom and prudence. It would show they, rightfully unlike the GOP, are concerned about the possible guilt of the likely Republican nominee. That should terrify the Republican party.

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