There’s something wrong with Ron DeSantis

Malignant narcissism is a disease. It has no cure. It eats away at the person who is unfortunate enough to carry it. Like the first of the narcissists — Narcissus, the beautiful lad of ancient Greek tales, narcissists are clueless.

Although Narcissus died gazing into shimmering water at his reflection, most narcissists don’t do THAT. However, they alienate, disgust, repel and hurt many along the way, usually the people closest to them.

Who knows how many of them walk the streets? That type of thing is tough to tell since many go undiagnosed. And yes, I think the favored Republican for President in 2024 is a narcissist. And it is that very narcissism that has proven to be his undoing. I do not speak of Trump.

Oh no, no. This person, friends, and readers, is Florida governor Ron DeSantis. And Ron was favored by the GOP. You saw all the fawning sycophantic attention he received from politicians and pundits. My gosh it was enough to make one throw up.

Palmer Report warned that it was too early — he was peaking too early! Ron DeSantis was flying too close to the sun, we warned. He’d have his day of reckoning. And now he has.

“What the F##k is wrong with Ron?” These words are not mine. They belong to one of his donors. DeSantis is falling. He’s got a ways to go yet. After all, he started at the top, way up high, close to the sun, above the clouds, falsely placed there by idiotic pundits and politicians who didn’t know the first thing about him.

“He’s crazy.” That is what more and more people are saying. Because NOW they see him They see a man who has become undone over a — mouse.

How would Ron DeSantis fight for our country and stand up for America when he let a MOUSE undo him? The mouse is in his head. So too, is beer. Yes, Ron DeSantis has crawled into the beer wars and is neglecting his people back home. “Where IS he?”

There is water, people. There is flooding in Florida. But where, oh, where is Ron? You see, my friends, the truth about the dark and poisonous flower the GOP gleefully picked, has now revealed itself. His donors are infuriated. They’re horrified. They’re exploding with alarm. They are horrified by his comments about Ukraine.

They are turned off by his six week abortion ban. Ron DeSantis has donors fleeing in droves. One donor called DeSantis a “wimp.” This is a lesson for pundits and politicians if they would only listen.

Never assume first impressions are correct. Never fall for the latest shiny object. Because sometimes enclosed in that shiny object is a giant, heaping pile of manure. And that’s precisely what’s happened here.

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