There’s something wrong with GOP Senator Mike Lee

Many a lonesome gambler have lost much by simply not recognizing it was time to step away from the game. When a losing streak begins in gambling, the gamblers — the good ones –usually have the sense to KNOW they’re losing and to pull out of the game. Such could not be said about Republicans.

Nothing the GOP has done has worked. They are still a party who stands for nothing, who have no platforms, no inspiration, nothing of any interest to the American people. So one would think the GOP would be like the smart gamblers — they see their losing streak, know their current state of play is not working for them and pull back from the game — right?

Well — not so fast. The GOP is becoming even MORE unglued leaning even further into issues that divide rather than bring people together. One of these issues is the January sixth insurrection.

The GOP has shown their love for lunacy by suddenly chattering away about the January 6 insurrection not BEING an insurrection. That’s a strategy that will take them far, I’m sure. No republican has done that more than the a certain Utah senator — Hello Mike Lee.

Lee this week made a fool of himself by suggesting the insurrection was not an insurrection. I wonder what his best friend, God, thinks of that. As you know much of the January 6 footage has been released. Senator Lee decided it might be a good thing to go on twitter and claim the footage disproves that there was an insurrection.

Lee found a tweet from former lawmaker Derrick Evans in which a photo appeared of a trump supporter holding something. Evans suggested that the object was a badge — an FBI BADGE. Evans who isn’t particularly bright said this proved that FBI agents were there, impersonating Maga.

Gosh, they’re stupid, aren’t they? HOW did these people ever graduate high school? Naturally Lee gobbled up this crackpot theory and tweeted that he’d be asking FBI Director Wray about this picture. Here’s the problem though. The person in the photo held no badge.

It was a vape. It also belonged to a Maga who had been sentenced to prison — on one felony and five misdemeanors, including illegally entering Nancy Pelosi’s office. So Lee wound up looking like the fool he is. WHY are he (and other republicans) still trying to deny the insurrection was an insurrection? What poor judgement. What amazing stupidity. Come on people. Surely we can beat a bunch of morons such as these.

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