Then there were none

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They all went down in spectacular flames. Of course, they did. Because these midterms were a referendum on lots of things, but one MAJOR thing that loomed large was election denialism. And the deniers lost.

Blake Masters of Arizona was an election denier running for the Senate. He lost.

Mark Finchem was an election denier running for Arizona secretary-of-state. He lost.

Doug Mastriano wanted to be the state of Pennsylvania’s next Governor. He went down hard — and lost.

Tudor Dixon wanted very much to be the state of Michigan’s next Governor. She lost.

Kristina Karamo of Michigan wanted to be Michigan’s secretary of state. She lost.

New Jersey resident and dog killer Mehmet wanted to be Pennsylvania’s next senator. The American people sent him back to New Jersey. (sorry, Jersey.)

And last and certainly least, the witch of Arizona, Kari Lake, an election denier of the utmost degree, was soundly defeated. SHE LOST. (That one deserved all caps.)

And then there were — none. By and large, election denialism lost bigly. It went down in flames and turned to ash. If this election was a battle of good and evil, good won.

And now we can happily say goodbye to some of the biggest creep show candidates we’ve ever had the displeasure of seeing. Because they tried to steal democracy and they tried to corrupt the process. They tried wickedness over good, rage over hope, and hate over love. And then they all lost.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report