“The worst speech I’ve ever heard in my life”

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Even as the Senate continued to hold Donald Trump’s impeachment trial today, Trump was on the other side of the world, trying to corruptly use the office of the presidency to convince international billionaires to line his personal pockets. Trump’s speech at Davos today was… well, less than good. In fact one world political figure is flat out calling it the worst speech he’s ever heard.

We’ve already documented how Donald Trump used his speech to very stupidly brag that his administration is illegally withholding evidence of his guilt, as this makes it harder for Republican Senators to stick to the script of not subpoenaing any evidence or witnesses. Trump also appeared to claim that the wheel was invented in the United States, which would require a time machine, as most historians agree that the wheel was invented about five or six thousand years ago.

Then again, Trump did recently claim that there were airports in the time of the Revolutionary War, so it’s fair to conclude that in his ongoing cognitive decline, he’s lost all sense of space and time. But Trump’s Davos speech today was just astoundingly bad. In fact Robert Habeck, the joint leader of Germany’s Green Party, ended up saying this about the speech: “Only self-praise, ignorance, disregard for everyone, no perception of global problems. It was the worst speech I’ve ever heard in my life.”

In other words, Donald Trump is even more of a pathetic punchline on the world stage than ever. Considering he’s just been impeached and he’s currently on trial for it, Trump isn’t doing any better back home. So much for Trump’s presidency reinventing the wheel.

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