The Republican impeachment merry-go-round

Republicans like embarrassing themselves. Not only do they want to impeach President Biden with no evidence, but Alejandro Mayorkas is now a target. With respect to President Biden, they have twisted and taken out of context testimony of their “star” witnesses to make it appear that the President did something wrong. Their most recent “whistleblower” is Eric Schwerin, a former bookkeeper for the Biden family and a longtime business partner to Hunter Biden. Schwerin testified that he had seen no evidence that President Biden enriched himself through his son’s deals. According to the Daily Beast, Schwerin was Biden’s financial advisor while Biden was vice president, helped prepare Biden’s taxes and annual financial disclosure statements, and had access to Biden’s bank records, meaning he knows what he’s talking about. Schwerin also advised the committee that President Biden has never been involved in Hunter’s businesses, even when he was a private citizen, and that Biden has always been “crystal clear” and took the “most transparent, ethical approach” to finances. If you’re in the mood for fried eggs, just find a Republican member of this committee, and you can eat to your heart’s content. Since this imaginary impeachment inquiry is going nowhere, they have now turned their attention to Alejandro Mayorkas.

Republicans voted 18 to 15 to charge Mayorkas with “refusing to uphold the law and breaching the public trust by failing to choke off a surge of immigrants across the United States border with Mexico.” A bipartisan proposal is out there that would allow President Biden to close the border in the event of surges, but House Republicans are blocking it. They have an opportunity to take control of the border, but they’d rather pass than work in bipartisan fashion. They claim to want the border protected, but they won’t sign onto something that will do just that. Problem solved-if we had more people with sense in the House. Republicans have absolutely no evidence of corruption by Mayorkas. According to the New York Times, legal scholars-including conversative scholars-see Republican efforts as “a perversion of the constitutional power of impeachment.” That is no surprise. They’ve spent more than a year going after President Biden with no evidence. This is the one thing Republicans do well: waste taxpayer money and time.

Republicans could be working with Democrats to get some things accomplished for the American people, but that makes too much sense. They would rather keep unnecessary chaos going. Bennie Thompson, the most senior Democrat on the panel said: “House Republicans don’t want progress. They don’t want solutions. They want a political issue.” That’s all this is. They are grandstanding, many believe, for Donald Trump. It will take most Republicans for this impeachment nonsense to pass, and Ken Buck (who is retiring) said: “I’m a ‘lean no’ at this point.” He should be because this is utterly ridiculous. What they really want is to keep immigration and border as issues for Donald Trump because that’s the only platform he has. Republicans have no interest in serving the people; this behavior makes that obvious.

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