The list:

Women’s independence is in danger if Republicans win another Presidential election. This is one of the issues at the forefront of the news. What I want to accomplish with this article is — a list. This is a list of some of the more awful things Republican men (and some women) would like to do should they win.

This is a list to be kept– pored over — brought out to show other women and men too — good and empathetic men who support women’s rights need to see this list:

1) Republican men in Florida are trying to pass a bill that would allow some to sue and recover damages for the “wrongful death of a fetus — or unborn child.” This threatens not just abortion rights but IVF (In Vitro fertilization) as well.

2) The attorney general of Alabama has come out and said Alabama is not restricting women’s travel, “but if we wanted to we could.” 20% of abortions involve out-of-state travel.

3) Some Republicans want to use the Comstock act, which, if a Republican were to win the presidency, they would use to restrict any and all abortion medication’s coming through the mail.

4) Some anti-choice people are still calling for a national abortion ban.

5) Anti-choice groups are deploying to battle ground states, hundreds of volunteers to knock on doors. These states include Wisconsin, Michigan and Arizona.

The Republicans are deadly serious folks. That’s why we must we must beat them. The Republican’s main goal is taking away control from women. We thought it was bad, it’s worse. Some of the draconian things they want to do stunned even me. They really did. So the next time you speak with a female voter? Have this list beside you.

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