The Republican candidate for Governor of Wisconsin just came out and said it

On rare occasions, a Republican or two actually decide to tell the truth. It’s amazing but it does happen. It happened in Wisconsin. We need to talk about Wisconsin. The dairy state is within our grasp. The polls have been all over the place, but one thing’s for sure. Mandela Barns can win. He can beat Ron Johnson. But what of the Governor’s race?

And THAT is what we need to talk about. This race has not been getting enough attention. Tim Michels is the republican candidate. He is, in his own way as batty as Kari Lake of Arizona. That’s putting it mildly. And he admitted his nefarious plans for Wisconsin should he win. It is not pretty. He was on a photo stop in Jefferson County, Wisconsin.

And one of his premises is that: “Republicans will never lose another election in Wisconsin after I’m elected governor.” He actually SAID this. Naturally, all hell broke loose. Even most in the media took a break from their “democrats in disarray” storyline to report on this.

And his campaign tried to deny he meant anything nefarious by it. That’s a good one. What did he mean? Well — apparently, his campaign (with a straight face) said he meant he would be such a dandy governor that nobody would ever want to vote democratic again.

Right. I see shades of Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s promise to “catch all rapists” here. That is NOT what he meant. We know that. He knows that. Wisconsin is on the chopping block now. We have to get Tony Evers reelected. So I ask that you please not forget the Wisconsin governor’s race in these final days.

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