The real threat we’re facing

The midterms are looming before us, and we’ve got work to do! Remember what Bill Palmer said about the House races. Adopt a race and do some activism. Phone bank for the Senate. Door knock. Put up signs—tweet about it. Tell the stories of these amazing people to your friends and families.

The polls show good news for us so far, but it is by no means a given that we will win. So we have to give it our all because this is the most important election of our lives. That is no hyperbole. Abortion. Gun reform. Social security. EVERYTHING is on the line.

I once wrote an article saying that Donald Trump — as much as we despise him — was no longer the biggest threat to democracy. And I stand by that — because Trump could be arrested tomorrow, and the country would change very little.

It won’t change Republicans. They would not wake up the day after and say, “we’ve seen the light.” But winning might make them say that. It is not JUST winning one election. I think it will take years — and several elections — for the GOP to realize the error of their ways.

It will take winning over and over to get them to say: “By gosh. What have we DONE?” And if they do say it, it will not be for any love of country. It will be because they realize they can’t win elections any longer. But we can. We are all one, you know.

We are one voice, one movement, one boat, one joining together of inspirational ideas for a better, more beautiful America. And that is why we all share the deepest connection. Many of us shall never meet, but we know each other.

We are joined together in the love of country and our dream of saving this country from certain treachery. So let’s forge a path forward. Let’s make it happen — together.

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