Ron DeSantis is evil, but we need to talk more about his biggest vulnerability

Ron DeSantis is one of the dumbest people in politics and he’s in way over his head. Stop pretending he’s an evil genius, that just helps him build the narrative that he’s unstoppable. We must constantly point out how dumb he is, and how bad he is at this. Humiliate the bastard.

If you talk about how powerfully evil DeSantis is, you’re not being “vigilant.” You’re being gullible, because you’re letting him bait you into spreading exactly the messaging that he wants out there. He doesn’t mind that you say he’s evil, as long as you say he’s powerful.

DeSantis is a two bit creep who’s trying to use the Trump playbook but is too dumb to understand it. If you play him up as an evil genius, you’re just handing him leverage that he doesn’t otherwise have. You defeat someone like DeSantis by portraying him as a weak punchline.

If we’re able to portray DeSantis as a wannabe bully who’s merely trying to compensate for how weak he is, we can defeat him. Conservatives like a strongman, so we must point out what a weakling DeSantis is. Moderates like a competent leader, so we must point out how inept DeSantis is, and how he negligently wastes time on petty evil stunts instead of doing his job.

Ron DeSantis is in so far over his head, we can defeat him in Florida in 2022, and then we won’t have to worry about his 2024 aspirations. Charlie Crist is precisely the kind of candidate who appeals to mainstream voters in a purple state like Florida. It’s time to get behind Crist and help finish DeSantis off.

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