The people who told you Donald Trump would never be indicted are now about to tell you he’ll never be convicted

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis told a judge two and a half weeks ago that indictments in her criminal case against Donald Trump were “imminent.” This week’s news about Special Counsel Jack Smith subpoenaing Mike Pence makes it clear that the DOJ will be criminally indicting Trump soon. And Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has made clear that he’s finally indicting Trump soon as well.

Trump is about to be criminally indicted in three different jurisdictions, and he’ll be put on criminal trial for felony charges in each of them. Charges like this don’t get brought unless they’re overwhelmingly foolproof, so Trump will very likely be convicted in all three jurisdictions, and it’s nearly 100% given that he’ll end up convicted in at least one of them. In other words, Trump is going to prison. This isn’t optimism. It’s not hope. It’s not hype. These are just the facts.

And yet the more obvious it becomes that this is where things are heading, we’re now seeing the trend that I warned you would happen once we reached this point. The same folks who insisted Trump would never be indicted are now preparing to change their tune. Once Trump is indicted, they’ll immediately begin insisting that he’ll never be convicted. Nevermind that they told us these indictments would never happen; these types of doomsday prognosticators get away with having a zero percent track record of accuracy because each time they’re wrong, they just move the goal posts with some new reason for why we’re all doomed.

We’re also about to hear endless cries about how we’re “nearly out of time to stop Trump” and how these indictments will be “too little too late.” It’ll be a “race against the clock” to stop Trump from magically taking over the country, and whatever other bullshit narratives the media and pundit class can come up with to scare and outrage you into staying tuned in.

There’s a reason why it has to be all doomsday stuff all the time. Once Trump is hit with felony charges in three different jurisdictions, you’re going to intuitively understand that his life is over. You’re going to stop spending every day of your life fretting over him. And that means you’re not going to spend every day of 2023 glued to your screen – in which case, who’s going to boost the ratings and career prospects of the media and pundit class? They can’t have that, now can they? So of course, the more obvious it becomes that Trump is toast, the more hyperbolically they’ll try to convince you that he’s taking over!

I’m only reissuing this warning now because we’re at a point where Fulton County could criminally indict Donald Trump at literally any minute, and Manhattan won’t be much further behind, and it’s looking like the DOJ won’t be much further behind either. These indictments are coming – and the people who have built their brand around insisting these indictments would never happen are now about to retool their brand around insisting these indictments will never work. Now more than ever, your job is to keep these clowns from emotionally manipulating you.

Donald Trump was finished a long time ago. The only remaining “threat” he represents is the drop in ratings and retweets that the media and pundit class will suffer once everyone finally figures out that Trump is finished. The sooner we all accept that Trump is finished, and that the real threats to American democracy lie elsewhere, the better.

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