The most dangerous time

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Call it a plot, a scheme — call it gaslighting at its finest. But it would appear that many in the republican party are starting to plot against Donald Trump. Republican donors. Republican politicians. They are starting to huddle, suggesting they could stop a Trump candidacy.

Now being the cowards they are, all of this is reportedly happening behind the scenes in whispers. I guess they can’t bring themselves to call him out face to face. Politico spoke to dozens of republicans, and few of them wanted to go on record. But they confirmed this is happening. I say the GOP should be scared and more now than ever before.

Why? Because this is the most dangerous time. The GOP has finally, after all this time, admitted — at least privately that Trump is an imminent danger. And they want to do something about it. But wait till trump finds out about this!

That’s the GOP’s worst problem. They’re dammed if they do and damned if they don’t. They waited too long. It’s far too late to leave him now. The madness has fully blossomed. He will NEVER let them get away unscathed. There is, in my opinion, a decent chance trump will run as an independent if he fails to get the nomination. He will do it out of spite and a whole lot of malice.

I often wonder if any the members of the GOP have ever come face to face with a narcissist. Perhaps within their own family or a friend or a lover. Surely some of these people must have, in their time, known a narcissist or two.

And if they HAVE, then they must know that what they want is futile. Anyone, when dealing with either a narcissist or antisocial personality, can see over time that rational arguments do not work on these people. Undoubtedly many Republicans are under the mistaken assumption trump won’t do something like that for the good of the party. WHEN, has trump ever given a damn about party politics?

That is the great myth that some politicians believe, and some pundits promote. Donald trump gives a damn about nothing except himself. And if the GOP goes forward with their secretive plans, Donald will find out. He will find out, and he will attempt to destroy them. It is all frighteningly simple.

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