The Ohio Republican legislature is at it again already

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Why are Ohio Republicans saying they’ll just ignore the abortion referendum?They don’t have ability to just ignore a legal referendum. Sure, we always knew that they were going to try to play games like this. It’s not as if Republicans believe in the rule of law anymore. But it’s not as if they have magical omnipotent powers that allow them to just “ignore” the referendum, without massive legal pushback.

But here’s what Ohio Republicans can do. They can announce that they’re going to just magically ignore the abortion referendum. They can trick you into believing that they will succeed in just magically ignoring it. Then you’ll start to question why you put in all that work to win the election to begin with. You’ll convince yourself that elections don’t even matter. Then next time you won’t work as hard to try to win the next election. And then Ohio Republicans will win.

Your job is to not fall for this kind of thing. One of the biggest strategies the Republicans rely on is that they always declare victory at the end of every battle, in the hope of tricking you into thinking there’s no reason to even fight the battle. And then if you do fight and win, they declare victory once they’ve lost, in the hope of tricking you into thinking there’s no reason to bother fighting the next battle.

You have to constantly remind yourself that Republicans are always lying. They’re not just lying about the issues. They’re not just lying about their own records or their own positions. They’re also lying about the magical power to do whatever they want. Your job is to see through this lie, remember that these Republicans are mere mortals, and remember just how powerless they become when we do fight and win.

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