The great tipping point has arrived

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The mood in the country is jubilation. That’s because we’ve won. We’ve won in Kentucky. The governor there, Andy Beshear won with higher numbers than in his last race. We won in Ohio. Way to go, Ohio. Take that, Republican misogynist men. Ohio let the GOP know they don’t want their bodies to be captives of Republicans.

And Virginia? Well right now sits a very unhappy republican. Of course I do not know this for sure as I don’t know him personally, but chances are this is not a good night for Virginia governor Glen Youngkin.

Youngkin has been foaming at the mouth, hoping Republicans would be the big winners in Virginia and he could jump into the race for president. Not happening. As I write this, the news has broken that we have won the Virginia Senate.

That is likely not going to happen now, not that Youngkin would’ve won anyway because he’s a goober. Yes, a goober. It is a childish word, but I’ll use it for Youngkin. He deserves it. He’s as radical as the other Republicans. He just takes greater pains to hide it.

So take a look at tonight and measure it against what the polls say. As President Biden said, polls don’t win elections, voters do. And people voted on election day in 2023. Oh boy, did they vote. They voted and they voted and they voted, and they voted blue.

All over, a sparkle of a blue wave lit up the country as this was a MAJOR blue wave much to the dismay of probably many pundits. Republicans on social media reacted with shock. Even Megan Kelly seemed awestruck. CNN on the other hand seemed mighty interested in the fact that according to Jake Tapper, Joe Biden is not having a good night in Mississippi. (Yes, that really happened.)

The media is not a friend but the votes are. They’re our best friend when we want them to be. Voters want racial equality, and racial justice. Voters want abortion rights. Voters want rights for the LGBTQ community. Voters want sensible gun reform.

Remember this night of electric blue whenever you get down or whenever the media once again, tries to spin their web of deceit. Remember how, with a little work, we win ,we win, always we win.

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