The gathering storm

Terrifying, ghoulish, menacing, sinister, creepy, eerie, spooky, and dark. Would these words describe the GOP? They might. But what I’m describing above is actually Halloween. But it is interesting to see how the words fit our spookiest holiday of the year AND our spookiest political party. The GOP is constantly wailing. They wail like abandoned banshees, super monsters, yelling and omitting blood-curdling shrieks at anything they deem unwelcome.
They truly are the monsters of any given day. Unfortunately, though Halloween comes only once a year, the Republicans are around 24 hours daily. So how do we handle them? We highlight issues that matter to the American people, including abortion, gun reform, and extremism. Do you know who else feels that way? Jim Jones is a contributor to The Hill. And I point you toward his excellent article entitled: “The Republican party is working tirelessly to blow the 2024 election.”
In this article, Jones predicts Democrats will win big in 2024 because the GOP cannot get themselves out of the muck they’re in.
“The Republican party is unable to detect the electoral storm gathering over the 2024 election,” he writes. Jones predicts “historic losses” for the GOP, primarily because of outraged voters who are sick to death and fed up with Republican extremism.
He predicts a movement — massive voter turnout from concerned citizens worried about our children, women, and our nation. He predicts a gathering storm — a huge storm that will shed its redness, skip over people, and turn bright azure blue as the Democrats take back the house and win the presidency.
He also predicts Democrats had a good chance of keeping the Senate. He writes Republicans fealty to Trump will be their ruination. He expects Trump will again endorse terrible maga candidates for the House and Senate whom few will vote for.
And he also says much of this will catch Republicans unaware because they’re in denial about many things. I agree with all of this. I see a gathering storm, already in motion. I recommend this article. It is based on fact, logic, and reason, all things the GOP has long since abandoned.
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