The floodgates are now open against Clarence Thomas

I remember it well. I remember seeking meaning from the bright stars above, pondering this crazy, absurd, fiercely and achingly beautiful thing we call life — the human experience. Everyone, at one time or another, has asked the question — the ultimate question:

Who am I? What am I here for? What is my purpose?

Sometimes it comes to us right away. Other times it takes a while. I don’t know when it came to Clarence Thomas. I suspect it was at a young age. While so many of us want our lives to be about meaning, healing, and helping, others have a more cruel agenda.

They think it’s about money, power, and survival of the fittest. And Clarence Thomas survived. Despite the accusations from Anita Hill, which I thoroughly believe, he found himself on that rare and unique list — a member of the Supreme Court.

And through the years, Mr. Thomas has chipped away at the foundation of this once great court. Now it stands a little emptier, bleaker, and a lot more corrupt. I submit what Thomas did to the court is exactly what we must do to him — chip away at the stone, the foundation.

ProPublica has, in recent weeks, released a treasure trove of information about his Royal Heinous, King Thomas. But nothing is as damning as the secret real estate deal. This is a clear violation of the law. Thomas engaged in a cover-up. He INTENTIONALLY didn’t report this. And it makes one wonder. What else is he hiding? What ELSE is Clarence Thomas covering up?

How do you know he’s covering up anything else, some might say? I answer: because he’s a liar. Clarence Thomas is a very prolific and accomplished liar. Anita Hill. Think how long ago that is. Think about how many lies he may have had all this time to tell.

Lies rarely stops at one or two. There is usually a plethora of them, lying rank and foul-smelling, carefully covered in webs of other lies. Only people are digging now. They’re diving into the man’s past. And more and more will come out.

I don’t think Thomas will resign — yet. I say this because it’s the question I see online. The guy has nerve and will likely hold on as long as he can. Only who knows how long that will be.

Democrat Sheldon Whitehouse is referring this to the Justice Department. Reporters are digging. I can’t say whether Thomas is on borrowed time, but things suddenly look a lot worse for him than just a few days ago.

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