Ted Cruz has late-night meltdown as Beto O’Rourke surges in popularity

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Republican Senator Ted Cruz is so widely regarded as a creep, even most of his fellow Republicans in the Senate seem to personally despise him. Now that Democratic candidate Beto O’Rourke is nearly tied with him in the polls, Cruz is resorting to even creepier behavior than usual. First he falsely accused O’Rourke of wanting to legalize heroin, which blew up in his face. Now Cruz has reached a whole new creepy low.

Over the weekend, actor Kevin Bacon posted a tweet in support of Beto O’Rourke. This prompted Ted Cruz to butt in and begin ranting about Bacon and “Hollywood liberals” (even though Bacon is from Pennsylvania), before declaring that “That means all of us us can now win Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon!” Did he think he was being funny? This is a United States Senator having a meltdown about a respected actor. For the record, Cruz really did use the word “us” twice in a row; perhaps Donald Trump’s illiteracy has been rubbing off on him lately. Then it got worse.

Actor Ron Perlman, perhaps best known for playing Hellboy, also posted a tweet over the weekend in support of Beto O’Rourke: “He is a leader we have ALL been waiting for…authentic and American to the core.” Then at 1:00am eastern time on Sunday night, Ted Cruz fired back at Perlman, tweeting “Hellboy has spoken. The Hollywood pantheon is complete.” That’s right, a U.S. Senator is now staying up until one in the morning and taunting various actors. Maybe Trump really is rubbing off on Cruz.

Somewhere in there, Ted Cruz also took a shot at Golden State Warriors head coach Steve Kerr, who had said something complimentary about Beto O’Rourke. The upshot here is that, as this race continues to tighten, and as it becomes more clear that O’Rourke really can win in a state like Texas, we’re seeing Ted Cruz go further off the rails than usual. Maybe Cruz just can’t handle the pressure of a tight race and the prospect of losing. It’s not normal for a Senator to be up all night trolling celebrities on Twitter – even in this day and age.

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