Ted Cruz just made a startling announcement about his exposure to coronavirus

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Republican Senator Ted Cruz has always been a political punchline. But some rather serious news just surfaced about him, and it should concern every one of you. Cruz just announced that he’s self-isolating, after he came into contact with someone who has since tested positive for coronavirus. No, really, this is happening.

Ted Cruz posted this statement to Twitter this evening:

Ted Cruz is doing the responsible thing here, and he deserves credit for it. And no, we’re not going to root for him to get sick. He’s awful in too many ways to count, but he doesn’t deserve to die from a viral infection. For that matter, we hope he isn’t infected, because that’ll mean he hasn’t passed it along to his loved ones.

But we’re now at the point where a United States Senator is now self-isolating because he has good reason to believe he may be infected with the coronavirus. Ted Cruz is a punchline, but this is serious. You have to wonder how much longer Donald Trump – who was potentially exposed to coronavirus himself via Matt Schlapp eight days ago – will keep pretending this is all a hoax.

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