Ted Cruz completely humiliates himself and takes “Gym Jordan” down with him

Yesterday, actor and activist Ron Perlman got into an hours-long Twitter feud with Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz. Suffice it to say that Perlman won handily. Perlman then turned his sights on Republican Congressman Jim Jordan, who didn’t seem interested in feuding. But then Republican Senator Ted Cruz, of all people, stepped in and tried to begin fighting on Jordan’s behalf. It didn’t go well.

Ted Cruz tweeted this at Ron Perlman: “Listen Hellboy. You talk good game when you’ve got Hollywood makeup & stuntmen. But I’ll bet $10k—to the nonpolitical charity of your choice—that you couldn’t last 5 min in the wrestling ring w/
@Jim_Jordan w/o getting pinned. You up for it? Or does your publicist say too risky?”

This tweet is so unbecoming of someone in Ted Cruz’s position, the words “United States Senator” began trending as everyone pointed out the inappropriateness. In addition, Cruz isn’t exactly helping Jordan’s case by reminding everyone of how Jordan allegedly worked to cover up a sexual abuse scandal when he worked at Ohio State.

Ron Perlman quickly put Ted Cruz in his place: “I tell you what teddy boy, since mentioning jim jordan and wrestling is… problematic, why don’t we say fuck him and just make it you & me. I’ll give 50k to Black Lives Matter and you can keep all the tax payer money you were thinking of spending.”

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