Donald Trump is circling the drain and he’s taking the GOP with him

The number of Donald Trump excuse makers continues to run low. When he first illegitimately took office, it seemed like any Republican would sell out on their word, if they hadn’t already sold their soul, in an effort to protect Trump. As the months have gone on, a vast majority of individuals, including many Trump supporters, realized that supporting such a man, someone who personally held so few fervent ideals, was not likely someone who could stand for something.

On Friday night’s The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donell, guest hosted by Ali Velshi, the MSNBC show documented the most important developments of the day. Velshi questioned one of his guests, Jennifer Rubin, a conservative opinion writer from the Washington Post, on her take on the current political chasm.

“What does it look like? Do you build another Republican party?” Velshi asked. “Do you call it something else, do you peel off or do you just hope enough of the remnants of the Republican Party survive so that conservatives in this country can have a political home after Donald Trump?“ While being a great question, the facts remain the same: There is no Republican party after Trump.

Despite being a Republican, Jennifer Rubin, a conservative opinion writer from the Washington Post, stated, “Well I actually hope none of this party survives, I hope all of them lose, badly. I think that if you have a devastation, if you have a complete wipeout … We’ll have a party, or at least a shell of a party to operate and they can bring in new blood, new people, who have not gone along with this absolute farce.” With such a statement, it has become more than clear that the Republican party has been, for multiple years, nothing but an organization working to subvert American democracy.

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