Take that, Ron DeSantis!

As Ron DeSantis made a spectacle of signing the ‘don’t say gay” bill, I wonder, friends and readers, if you witnessed what I witnessed. Did you see the throng of children surrounding him? Did you see the looks on their little faces?

I doubt very much these children even knew what was going on. For they were props, garish and vulgar, brought out by a Floridian psychopath for decorative purposes. They likely meant no more to him than lost scraps of paper. And now this dreadful bill has been signed. So what do we do next?

We vote him out. That this bill was even signed is awful enough. But bringing innocent children in to bear witness is just cruel. I wonder if Governor DeSantis has ever had a drop of humility in his soul. Humility is sweet, like the sweetest golden honey, but there isn’t anything sweet about DeSantis.

And still, he persists in his cruelty. This is why we must make the Florida Governor’s race and the Texas one a priority. DeSantis likely believes his own press. He thinks himself impervious to the will of the voters.

And why shouldn’t he? He has received precious little negative press. Yes, the media has covered the “don’t say gay” bill, but I have seen nothing about the ruthless act of using children as props for his vindictive bill.

It is going to be up to us. This is our fight — the fight of activists everywhere. Nothing would make me happier than to see this cowardly, obnoxious, arrogant man ousted from power. Then we can fumigate Florida, melt away the stench of DeSantis, and once again allow the sunshine state to flourish.

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