What a bunch of garbage from Susan Collins

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It’s clear that a growing number of Republican Senators have become nervous about the idea of a sham impeachment trial, and are now leaning toward trying to cover their own backsides by voting to have witnesses testify against Donald Trump. Only four such Republican votes are required, and even the Trump White House has conceded that it’s likely to happen.

But it’s important to keep in mind that this isn’t about Republican Senators growing a conscience or a spine, or deciding to do the right thing for their country. Those are completely irrelevant concepts when it comes to the current iteration of the Republican Party. If these GOP Senators do vote to have witnesses, it’ll be because they’ve made the calculation that their own personal odds of holding onto their Senate seat will be improved by having witnesses – and not anything to do with what’s right or wrong. We were reminded of this today by Susan Collins.

Susan Collins, who manages to speak out of both sides of her mouth while saying nothing, said this about the new evidence the House just revealed from Lev Parnas: “I wonder why the House did not put that into the record and it’s only now being revealed.” When CNN explained to her that the House just received it on Monday, she said this: “doesn’t that suggest that the House did an incomplete job then?”

What an asshole. Anyone who’s paid even a slight amount of attention to the news is well aware that Lev Parnas had to go before the judge in his criminal trial and obtain approval to turn over this evidence to the House, which took time – and that Parnas just got his hands on it a few days ago. Susan Collins knows this full well. She’s playing dumb so she can play both sides. Even if she votes to have witnesses testify, she’ll still spew this kind of dishonest crap in the hope of appeasing Trump’s base. She’s garbage and she must be voted out in 2020.

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