Stupid Rudy!

We’ve all seen this movie before. Donald Trump instructs his lawyer to commit various crimes, and when the lawyer gets caught, Trump releases an initial statement of support before letting the lawyer hang out to dry. Michael Cohen had the misfortune of starring in the first version of the movie. Now Rudy Giuliani, who’s starring in the remake, seems surprised that the script hasn’t changed.

In the past few days Rudy Giuliani has acknowledged he’s on track for prison, and publicly griped at Donald Trump for not doing anything to try to get him off the hook. Michael Cohen, who saw this coming and called it a mile away, is now dunking on Rudy for somehow not having seen it coming:

What is it about Donald Trump’s remaining loyalists these days who still don’t get that Trump is selfishly going to hang them out to dry? Did Rudy really think that he was so uniquely special, Trump would stick his neck out for him? “Stupid Rudy” is right. The only question is whether he’ll wise up and cut a deal against Trump, or if he’ll remain stupid and spend his final days in a cage.

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