Steve Bannon just lost

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Steve Bannon already has a federal prison sentence pending, and now he’s set to go on state criminal trial in New York this fall. In the meantime Bannon is still out there grifting in whatever way he can, while he still can. But it looks like he’s out of money – or at least he can’t pay his bills.

Bannon tried to stiff his own attorney out of the legal fees he’s been racking up. The attorney was so upset about it, he filed in court over it, and now the court has awarded nearly half a million dollars in Bannon’s money to the attorney. This is ironic given that Bannon is set to stand criminal trial in New York for a different act of financial fraud.

Who could have predicted that a guy who spends all his time defrauding money from everyone would also defraud the attorney who represented him in those scandals? It’s like an attorney taking on a cannibal as a client and expecting not to get bitten. In any case, the only good news for Steve Bannon is that he won’t need money once he gets to prison.

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