Donald Trump feels like he’s “starting to see this slip away”

Donald Trump keeps declaring victory in states he’s not on track to win, but all it’s doing is getting him laughed at. Trump keeps taking legal action in various states, but no one expects it to go anywhere. Now it turns out Trump is seeing the writing on the wall.

Dana Bash revealed on CNN tonight that Donald Trump is feeling “down” and “not that great” and that he’s “starting to see this slip away.” This is according to sources near Trump, who are apparently leaking this in order to lower expectations.

Notably, Bash said that Trump doesn’t understand why his allies waited so long to take legal action in various states; Trump apparently thought his best shot at pulling it off would have been to file suit while he was still artificially ahead in certain states. In our view it wouldn’t have worked anyway. But it’s notable that Trump seems to be realizing how badly up against the wall he is.

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