Sound the alarm

People, I am worried about something. That would be — focus. As the 2024 election gets nearer, I am concerned that the focus will be on some of the wrong people. Ted Cruz. Josh Hawley. Both of them have challengers in the 2024 election. And both Hawley and Cruz will win reelection.

I say this because of the evidence before us. I understand wanting to rid ourselves of these people. Both Hawley and Cruz are among the worst senators we have. But it’s important to look at patterns. And the patterns say Missouri — and Texas — have no chance of turning blue in 2024.

Let’s start with Texas. I’ve had my heart broken by Texas in recent elections. And Beto was about as good a candidate as one could possibly get. But they’re not ready yet. By “they” I mean — Texas voters. In looking at who is to blame for some of our problems, we must assign some blame to the voters themselves.

The fact is some voters vote consistently against their own self-interest. And many of those voters live in red states. And like it or not — Texas is still red. It will turn purple someday, and I believe even blue. But not yet. It has a ways to go. Texas is more like its own island than its own state.

The amount of Texas pride is huge. And many voters there pick different subjects of significant importance than many other states do. For example. Immigration and the right to carry (guns) are way up there as issues of importance for the people of Texas.

Not ALL Texans. But enough to keep them red. Perhaps nothing illustrates this fact more than the poignancy of Uvalde. Uvalde county. They had been through hell with the mass shooting in Uvalde. So you’d think they have voted for Beto in record numbers, right? Wrong.

It was 60% to 30% in Uvalde County — in favor of Greg Abbott. It will take years and likely more election cycles to change Texas. They’re simply not ready yet, although with changing demographics and incompetent politicians, I believe they will be someday.

Now let’s look at Missouri. Missouri is redder than a ruby. They used to be sort of purple, but no longer. And even when they WERE purple, they trended Republican. Missouri is not Illinois, despite their close proximity. Far from it. They are fiery red and show no sign of being anything else.Not for the time being.

I am concerned because I see Democrats getting their hopes up for naught. (Not Palmer Report readers.) But I think we should keep focus on the states we know we can win and must defend. It’s VITAL we keep the Senate. It’s not just important; it’s huge.

So call this article a warning of a five-alarm fire. I felt I needed to write it because I understand. I understand the frustration of wanting one’s favorite candidate to win. But we have to stay realistic. It’s the only way we win in 2024.

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