So much for Ron DeSantis fever

If you are the type of person who enjoys Fox News hosts humiliating themselves, AND if you are the type of person who enjoys Ron DeSantis being humiliated, this article’s for you. The setting was a diner. Its location was Ponte Vedra, Florida.

Many people huddled around this diner, which looked like a really cool place to be. Among those huddled, there was Fox and Friends Host Brian Kilmeade. Kilmeade is a grade-A bullshitter like most of the Fox pundits. But on this day, Brian appeared to be on a mission. Hype up DeSantis and find some supporters to cheer him on!

And so the diner game began. Kilmeade started like a sports announcer, asking the diner attendees if they were “pumped” up for the election. Yes, they were! All good so far. Kilmeade then asked all the customers, “who is your man? Who is your woman?”

Only here was the issue at hand. In this scene from a diner, one key component was missing. Kilmeade could not find one person in the diner to voice their support for Ron Desantis. And it was rather amazing. Because as Kilmeade went on with the diner interviews, his desperation started spoiling over.

“Nikki Haley.”

“Donald Trump”

“Kristi Noem” (heaven forbid!)

But alas — Ron had no takers.

Kilmeade kept wandering (rather forlornly, if you ask me) around the diner. Then his eyes fell on a woman wearing what appeared to be a Ron DeSantis shirt. Name on it and everything!

As if in slow motion, Kilmeade started to approach her. This would have been a good time for the chariots of fire theme song to play in the background. Would he do it? Would he find his Ron supporter?

“I see Governor DeSantis,” Kilmeade beamed with a huge smile on his face. Kimeade finally was reduced to just asking straight out. “What about President DeSantis?”

“Oh, I don’t know,” the woman said noncommittally, shattering the hopes of a Fox host as well as the myth that DeSantis was so loved that all Floridians would have no choice but to throw their lot in with him.

“Trump or Desantis, I don’t know,” the woman continued vaguely. And that was it. The important thing here is the myth of popularity. While inside a Florida diner brimming with people, Kilmeade could not find one person to say on camera that they were for DeSantis. Tells you a lot, doesn’t it?

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