Donald Trump panics, skips out on press pool

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In the past twenty-four hours, too many things have gone wrong for Donald Trump to count. His secret plot with Paul Manafort to sabotage the Trump-Russia probe has been exposed by Robert Mueller. Manafort has been caught conspiring with Julian Assange. Jerome Corsi and Roger Stone are crashing and burning. So how is Trump handling the events of the day? By running and hiding.

Anita Kumar, the White House Correspondent for McClatchy, tweeted this a few moments ago: “I am the White House print pooler tonight. That means I am supposed to be with POTUS. Instead, I and the rest of the pool, were left at an event while POTUS returned to the White House.” Zeke Miller of the AP elaborated further: “The White House abandoned the press pool at the Christmas tree lighting. Trump is allegedly back at the White House.” Justin Sink of Bloomberg tweeted that the press pool was abandoned outdoors in freezing weather.

So now we know how Donald Trump is dealing with the pressure: he isn’t. Not only did he panic and ditch the press pool, he appears to be trying to make them freeze to death. That might be one way to get the media to stop exposing his scandals. In addition, Trump ditched the press pool at a Christmas event. Bah Humbug.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report