Donald Trump now faces no-win decision on Saudi Arabia

Even as the Republican controlled Senate voted to confirm one of Donald Trump’s lunatic judge nominees today, things went in a very different direction on another matter. For reasons known only to them, GOP Senators seem to have no reason sticking it to Trump when it comes to his personal allegiance to Saudi Arabia โ€“ and they passed a resolution accordingly. Now trump faces a no-win decision.

The Senate has voted 63-37 to advance a resolution withdrawing U.S. support for Saudi Arabia’s deadly military action in Yemen, which has resulted in countless civilian deaths and turned the country into one big humanitarian crisis. With the Democrats about to take control of the House, this will soon become a joint resolution. Donald Trump will then have to decide whether to sign it or veto it.

Trump’s White House is already threatening a veto, but that could go wrong in a couple different directions. For instance, the Senate already has nearly enough votes to override such a veto. This resolution will push the largely overlooked Yemen crisis into public focus, which could ramp up the pressure on other GOP members of Congress to vote “no” after Trump vetoes it.

There is also the political reality that if Donald Trump were to veto this, after the Senate and House passed it in overwhelming fashion, he would be affirming โ€“ for all to see โ€“ that he truly is a puppet of the Saudi Arabian royal family. This is going to be a no-win decision for him, at a time when he’s increasingly about to face no-win decisions.

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