Senile Donald Trump claims he can only see Black people in the audience

Donald Trump’s senility keeps getting worse in numerous ways, all of which are now being widely documented. He doesn’t know where he’s at. He doesn’t know who people are. He doesn’t know what’s going on. We’ve all seen it. But in addition to forgetfulness, Trump’s senility is also causing him to increasingly say whatever pops into his head, without understanding the optics.

For instance, when Trump took the stage and tried to give a speech on Friday, he complained that he was bothered by the bright lights. He keeps complaining about this of late, and it’s worth pointing out that sensitivity to light is a very common symptom of dementia.

But then Trump turned around and blurted out that because it was so bright, he could only see the Black people in the audience and not the white people. No really, he said this, the Biden campaign posted video:

Donald Trump is a racist and we all know that. But what stands out here is just how senile a politician has to be to get on stage and blurt out that he can only see the Black people because the lights are too bright. Who talks like that? No one who’s cognitively competent.

Some political action group is going to take what Trump just said and put it into a TV ad for Biden. It shows that Trump is both racist and senile. Trump is continuing to help the other side every time he gets on stage and opens his mouth.

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