Sean Hannity hits the panic button

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To say Sean Hannity is in denial would be putting it mildly. The non-host of Trump television is doing literally everything he can to distract and deflect from the January 6 hearings. Hannity, who never met a Trump-friendly narrative he didn’t love, appears almost manic in his continuing attempts to convince his viewers January 6 was no big deal.

This isn’t going to be easy for the Trump sycophant to do. Sure, some of his hypnotized viewers will never turn on Trump. But most sane people know January 6 for what it was — a failed coup attempt — an insurrection.

And Hannity appears frantic to change the narrative. He is not having much luck with that. The problem for Hannity is there IS no other narrative — at least not one that makes any kind of sense.

So, Hannity is resorting to increasingly deranged methods. Is there a method to his madness? Perhaps. That would be — throw it all out there, including the kitchen sink, and see what sticks. So that is what Hannity proceeded to do. He has declared that the January 6 hearing that took place Thursday night made Trump look really good.

No, this is not a joke. And no, none of us have entered the twilight zone — except for perhaps Sean Hannity. “This is now about a security failure,” Hannity opined solemnly. “The one person that looks good is Donald Trump.” Cue twilight zone music NOW.

Personally, I am finding Mr. Hannity’s increasingly deranged babble very amusing. As he descends more and more into the relentless hold of a parallel universe, it is, in its way, very entertaining.

The bottom line is there is no other narrative. And Hannity’s likely going to feature even more in the upcoming hearings. Or at least his texts will.

If I were Hannity (and thank goodness I’m not), I would not use this strategy. It’s ridiculous. It’s eye-rolling. And it’s insane. But Hannity really has no choice if he wants to stay in the good graces of Donald Trump. So I expect his descent into the darkness of the Hannity Twilight zone will continue.

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