Score one for the Democrats

The words “to honor and to protect” have never resonated more than now. President Biden has done it. He has signed into law the respect for marriage act. In one of the most outstanding achievements of his presidency, President Joe Biden came through.

President Biden appeared on Capitol Hill. All around him were others who had worked tirelessly, including VP Kamala Harris, Chuck Schumer, and Nancy Pelosi. December 13, 2022, will now take its place in history.

People will read about this many years from now. They will read about President Biden’s bold and protective steps on this shining day. Same-sex are now codified into law. Take that, Clarence Thomas!

This bill requires that states recognize same-sex marriages across state lines. Federal benefits will be guaranteed. It was an amazing day. And that is the upside of politics. Sometimes, the darkness, the horrific, the insane — are thrown away in favor of honor, protection, and service. That is just what happened today. Thank you, President Biden.

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