Kevin McCarthy is now taking heat from all sides

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As if Kevin McCarthy isn’t in enough trouble! McCarthy, in recent days, has been taking incoming from all sides. That, of course, hasn’t stopped his desperation for the House Speaker position one bit. McCarthy wants it, he craves it, and he’s not slowing down in his craven desire to get it.

But new troubles have emerged for McCarthy. These troubles are in the form of Jewish groups who are eviscerating him for his promise to remove Ilhan Omar from her committee. A group of Jewish non-profits blasted him in a statement, hinting that it is McCarthy — not Omar — who is the real racist. Some of the groups that signed the statement include:

The Reform movement

Americans for peace now.

J Street and Ameinu

The new Israel fund


Here is some of what they said:

“As Jewish American Organizations, we oppose House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy’s pledge to strip Representative Ilhan Omar of her house foreign affairs committee seat based on false accusations that she is anti-semitic.”

The statement also went on to accuse McCarthy of deliberately targeting Omar as well as Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell to “distract from anti-semitic expression in his own party.”

Yikes. Kevin McCarthy, who has yet to condemn the hate speech of Marjorie Taylor Greene, is definitely a man on the edge – on the edge of complete failure. The man has not even been elected speaker yet, and still, everybody hates him. This, of course, has not stopped McCarthy from putting this on his Twitter profile:
“Republican leader.”

And believe me, people have noticed. In the meantime, Kev keeps making promise after promise after promise. He’s giving away his very soul at this point — all for a job most do not want and which promises to suck the soul out of anyone who takes it. In the meantime, the ominous “motion to vacate the chair” still hangs over Kevin’s head.

This motion has the power to keep Kevin in a perpetual state of anxiety because it would allow any republican at any time to force a new vote for speaker. So in effect, Kevin would wonder every day if it was the day he was forced from his job. It would be his sword of Damocles hanging over his head on a daily basis. It would promise to make his every moment miserable.

You know what? The more I think about it, the more I start to think that Kevin McCarthy becoming speaker might just be the perfect punishment for him indeed.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report