Score another one for Joe Biden

While the GOP loves to complain about inflation as the top issue that real Americans are concerned about – more than their own individual freedoms, apparently, the GOP hasn’t really done much to combat inflation – aside from lay all the blame in places that conveniently advance all of the things they’ve been plotting to do for decades. The plans that would actually curb inflation were ones they proudly voted against – even if they took credit for everything the Inflation Reduction Act gave their district. In fact, despite Republicans’ best efforts to tank the economy – a goal they hope will result in taking back the Senate or White House in 2024, inflation is down dramatically from the same time as last year – with the price of gas being $1.40 on average less across the country.

On Thursday, the White House leaked the good news: Inflation peaked last summer and since then has fallen by 45%. It’s still far from what the Biden administration is hoping for, something they acknowledged in their statement, but with salaries rising in the current economy to higher than they were nine months ago and grocery prices falling in March for the first time since the fall of 2020. While America has taken some time to recover, we’ve seen an unmistakable pattern of America coming back – and this is why we need to rally together to stop the GOP and their radical agenda in both 2023 and 2024.

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